Filtre ajouté :
Staff Permanent Anthony Finizola Vincent Famin Fabrice Fontaine Jean-Lambert Join Geneviève Lebeau Laurent Michon Associates & Post-docs PhD Former colleagues Anthony FINIZOLA PhD, HDR. Associate Prof
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs Claude Smutek Loraine Gourbet Bhavani Benard Elisa J. Rindraharisaona PhD Former colleagues Claude Smutek Chercheur associé Maître de conférences du LGSR (retrai
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs Claude Smutek Loraine Gourbet Bhavani Benard Elisa J. Rindraharisaona PhD Former colleagues Bhavani Benard Postdoctoral researcher Understanding the hydrosystem
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs Claude Smutek Loraine Gourbet Bhavani Benard Elisa J. Rindraharisaona PhD Former colleagues Loraine Gourbet ATER UMR 7154 I
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs PhD Former colleagues Julie Jeanpert Alicia Gonzalez Guilhem Barruol Guilhem Barruol Laboratoire GéoSciences Réunion - IPGP Université de la Réunion 15, Avenue R
Staff Permanent Anthony Finizola Vincent Famin Fabrice Fontaine Jean-Lambert Join Geneviève Lebeau Laurent Michon Associates & Post-docs PhD Former colleagues Laurent Michon Professor Laboratoire GéoS
Staff Permanent Associates & Post-docs PhD Former colleagues Julie Jeanpert Alicia Gonzalez Guilhem Barruol Julie Jeanpert PhD student Structure et fonctionnement hydrogéologique des massifs de pérido
Géologie de La Réunion Volcanisme Géomorphologie Minéralogie - Pétrologie Sédimentologie Hydrogéologie Tectonique Volcanisme de La Réunion Introduction Différents objets géologiques permettent de comp
DCIM\110GOPRO OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Seismic station, Etang Salé, La Réunion Seismic station, Etang Salé, La Réunion, RHUM-RUM experiment DCIM\110GOPRO Created with GIMP DCIM\11
Teaching & training Licences Licence de Sciences de la Terre Licence Pro Agronomie Master Licence Professionnelle Agronomie, spécialité Agriculture et Développement Durable en Milieu Tropical Insulair
Publications 2025 Publications in international journals: Fan, S., Morell, K.D., Fisher, D.M., Raimbourg, H., Famin, V. , Rajič K. (2025) Active, long-lived upper-plate splay faulting revealed by ther
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